Monday, October 20, 2008

Can You Build Hydrogen Fuel Cell For Your Car?

There are many advantages to hydrogen fuel cells. Hydrogen fuel cells are environmentally friendly. Hydrogen fuel cells use a renewable natural resource and hydrogen burns cleanly when combusted in the engine. The US government has also launched initiatives to make hydrogen affordable. As gas prices rise and hydrogen prices drop, hydrogen fuel cells are quickly becoming attractive options for car owners. Unfortunately, it is expensive to produce hydrogen fuel cells. But can you build hydrogen fuel cell for your car?

The simple answer is no. Hydrogen fuel cells are complex, sophisticated engines made by a highly trained team of experienced engineers. Commercially produced hydrogen fuel cells are complex in their engineering architecture. Considerable expertise, technology and manpower is required to produce hydrogen fuel cells.

Even if you had the resources and the money to produce your own hydrogen fuel cell, safety is another issue that you cannot ignore. Hydrogen is a highly combustible element, and a poorly made hydrogen fuel cell can produce explosive results. We highly advise against trying to build your own hydrogen fuel cell.

The technology used to build hydrogen fuel cells is so new, that most mechanics are unable to service a vehicle that uses hydrogen fuel cells, let alone build one from scratch. Not only are fuel cells difficult to build, but the materials required are also costly. Most hydrogen fuel cells use platinum as a catalyst. Platinum is a rare and expensive metal that is challenging to work with, especially for home automotive enthusiasts.

Even if you could build a hydrogen fuel cell, keep in mind that most hydrogen fuel cells are fragile. They are unable to withstand long term exposure to bumps and vibrations of everyday road travel.

Technology may eventually evolve to the point where we can build our own hydrogen fuel cells the same way automotive enthusiasts build their own gas combustion engines. Unfortunately, that day is still not here yet. Automotive hydrogen fuel cells are expensive and difficult to construct and maintain. And once constructed, their fragile nature exposes safety concerns that motorists should not have to contend with.

Small-scale hydrogen fuel cells can be created in your home if curiosity has truly piqued your interest. These experiments are easy and cheap to conduct. There are several websites that will show you how to make a home-made hydrogen fuel cell of science project quality. These projects are fun, and more importantly safe.

For a variety of reasons, you cannot build hydrogen fuel cell (s) that are safe or cost efficient. If you are looking to conserve gas and save the environment, there are other options available. HHO (2 parts of hydrogen, 1 part of oxygen) conversion kits can be utilized to allow your vehicle to partially run on water. These conversions can be safe, provided you closely follow a good guide. There are many different guides on HHO conversion, so it would be ideal to conduct some research before investing in a HHO conversion guide. Thankfully, HHO conversion can be simple, safe and environmentally friendly. So the next time you consider modifying your vehicle to save on gas, consider using water instead of hydrogen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent post for all those car fanatics who are not afraid of little bit experimentation with their wheels. With the ever increasing price of gas I feel that we should try to convert our cars in to electric cars. Who knows, someday it might come handy... Even though it is not easy with the right Electric Car Conversion Kits the task can be achieved.